2015 Entries
Eight Thousand Suns in New Eden (New Eden lore-based)
1st Prize Sugar Kyle, "Cortex"
Honorable Mention Islana Deepsorrow, "The name of the capsuleer"
Honorable Mention Islana Deepsorrow, "The Proteus: LC-K-114"
Honorable Mention Drackarn, "The Journey"
Jacqui Atruin/Amy, "A meeting with the station administrator"
3rd Prize Tiberius StarGazer, "Different Bodies"
Sarah Flinnley, "Eyes Wide Open"
Judas II, "The Oxfeld Account"
Erylis Aphelyon, "a tale of one cyno or two"
2nd Prize Rhavas, "Decoherence"
2nd Prize Callista Dallmore, "The Gate"
Finden Parril, "Collect and Return"
Grand Prize Voodoo Williams, "A Spider in Her Web"
Conan Barbaris, "A Thousand Sleepers"
flaming phantom/Bridger Cummings, "Vitoc, Liberation, and Revenge"
Vehestian, "The Stars Have Strange Voices"
3rd Prize Nomistrav, "He Saw Infinity"
Honorable Mention Da'iel Zehn, "Infiltration"
Matteral, "Mother of Children"
3rd Prize Torsnk, "fleet logistics"
A Day in the Life
Literia, "Good Bye my oldest friend"
Sain Darkwing, "The Doomed Freighter"
DireNecessity, "DireNecessity Saves the Day"
3rd Prize Tom Hawkins, "Fabled Beauty"
2nd Prize Tom Hawkins, "The Hunt"
Canatana Jovakko, "Some recent adventures that started in low-sec in a Heron."
DireNecessity & Viceorvirtue, "The Dance"
Honorable Mention Regalas Davaham/Ben C., "Stargate"
1st Prize Archangael/Jason Jones, "The Best Sport"
Sere O'Asis, "Origin Stories: Chapter One"
2nd Prize Oreamnos Amric, "Blood Frenzy"
Brodit/Brendan O'Donnell, "Eulogy of an Immortal"
Cassandra Habalu, "Interceptors Are Our Business And Business Is Good"
Lite Sabre, "The Three Part 1"
Lite Sabre, "The Three Part 2"
Honorable Mention Sera Kor-Azor, "Ole' Time Religion"
Darrell Musko, "Sixty-Two Jumps"
3rd Prize Yuri Serafim, "Split Decision"
Honorable Mention Dirk Magnum, "A Code Like No Other"